Passion is the Fashion
Welcome to my blog, which began as a class project at UNC-Chapel Hill for MEJO 577 (The Branding of Me)! This blog has no specific theme except for PASSION! Subjects may range from sports to design to technology to punctuation to procrastination and more! Upon reading, you will discover what subjects make me want to type a mile-a-minute and how my life is shaped by these interests, experiences, and personal outlooks. Enjoy :)
A blog dedicated to my personal website.
This blog is exactly what the title says it is: a shout out to my personal website. For a little bit now, I have had my portfolio living on one website (hosted by Adobe) and my blog living on another (hosted by Squarespace). After eating lots of popcorn and streaming lots of Gossip Girl, I have finally merged all things “Maris” into one website: And there are hopefully more cool things in store for the future of my site.
I can’t lie… AirPods are actually worth it.
One thing I have not revealed yet is that I am a huge Apple nerd. Ever since I was a toddler, I have been fascinated by Apple including the company, their products, their history, and their story. I have been excited for every new product they release, and I have been stocking up since I was four years old. When it comes to Apple products, I would consider myself an “innovator” when it comes to the type of consumer I am. However, AirPods are the first product that made me raise an eyebrow.